New feature



Subscribe to email notification per user

EK has several email notifications that help users to stay up to date with work progress and information.

There is now  a new feature to subscribe or unsubscribe to certain notification by email per user account.

The first level of notification control is at Administrator level where the system can be set to send or not global notifications:

email cron admin
This is the global settings for notifications that is set from /ek_admin/settings


The new level that is now available is per user account; for certain notifications, a user can select or deselect notifications from his/her profile:

  • new project,
  • project data edit,
  • sales document edit,
  • sales payment,
  • human resources reminders:
user subscription


There is 1 more level for specific tasks where the notification is attached to a specific content. For instance a user may subscribe globally to project notification or sales payment alerts (for document linked to project), but it will be send per project only if the "follow" button is on for that specific project

follow project


Further details can be found in Manual - admin settings.


If you need further info, contact us at:




Do check  as well our referral program:
