

Simple formatting for sales document output


With EK management solution, there are few ways you can format items content with default sales PDF documents:


1) Insert a row title/description with no value

To achieve this, simply record an item line with 0 quantity and 0 value. The PDF document will automatically convert the row into a description line:

description row


2) Insert a subtotal under multiple rows

To get a subtotal, input an item with description : [sub total] or sub_total followed by 0 quantity and 0 value. The PDF document will automatically insert a sub total value.

Sub total


3) Rich format item description

You can insert rich format description for items. To do that, you first need to create a product (Product|Services) with detailed description in HTML format:

Item html

Then you need to insert the product into your document as item:

Select item


4) the full form input with above formats  will look like this

Full input


Line 1 is a description; Line 2 is a rich format item description; Line 3 is a normal description row, Line 4 is subtotal for lines 2 and 3.


5) Print with PDF default format

When you print the above document in PDF you will have a full formatted item description with row title, inserted table, image, fonts formatting in description and subtotal  :

Full uotput


If you need help for custom PDF document design, contact us at:
