Files storage


Why file storage method is important ?


When organizing your back office, information storage and classification is a key point.

When you centralize your files storage in the cloud, you gain few advantages:

1) Global access: you can access you data from almost anywhere;

2) You simplify your backup strategy and implementation;

3) You reduce your business continuity risk as data do not rely on individual computers or personal logins;


With EK, we offer a solution that helps you to store and retrieve files in different ways an module for sales, projects, personal documents, etc. But our storage architecture can give you even more freedom, transparency and security.

Let's look at our file storage strategy.


data storage


In the above figure, the data (files like pdf documents, excel sheets, images, etc.) are not stored with the server that run the application interface (EK). When the user is uploading or downloading a file through EK interface, the file is actually going to or coming from a dedicated storage system.


What are the extra benefits ?

1) Server does not have sensitive data store on it;

2) Data storage can be monitored, extended and secured separately;

3) Users with some admin privilege can access directly to data storage;

This architecture is our standard file storage implementation. We are using AWS S3 service which is optimized for cold storage of files.


What can you do ?

If you are comfortable with our structure, you can enjoy our Saas service. However, if you wish to have more control on your files you can go on step further by implementing you own file storage service. In this case you will have full control and access to your data storage. EK can connect with any AWS S3 account and compatible AWS S3 service that offers same configuration.

If you want to have further information, please read our document about storage implementation. And if you wish to implement you own storage service, feel free to contact us at:
