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Create list view in custom module (part 3)

In previous articles (here and here), we have seen a method to add custom views and data in MyModule.

With Drupal 8 there is a very easy and practical way to add this custom view as a configuration that will be installed with the module.

1) extract the configuration data

Navigate to "/admin/config/development/configuration/single/export".

On this page, select configuration type 'view' and configuration name 'My module list' that was created earlier.


Single export


2) create configuration install file

You will obtain from the above export a list of configuration data that you can copy and paste into a file called for instance "views.view.mymodule-list.yml";

Simply place this file into the install folder :

Create list view in custom module (part 2)

In previous article we have seen how to declare the data accessible in a custom view in MyModule.

Now that the data from our tables mymodule_tb (and mymodule_tb_2) are available, let's create the list view.

First navigate to "/admin/structure/views/add" and create the view by entering basic information as per the example below.


New view basic info


After "save" you are redirected to "Edit" form where further settings will be set.

1) Add fields from you source table

Add fields



Create list view in custom module (part 1)

In our EK management tools suite we have custom designed lists of items like for instance list of management documents.

Those lists are build with custom codes and templates which is somehow more convenient to manage with complex data, links, menus and filters as in the example below.

Example of documents list


However for simple list, the views module is very useful and can be integrated in a custom module as well to automatically create the list.

Here is an example with companies list in the system address book module showing the company name as link and a field about the type of record plus a simple filter box.


The objective of those articles is to share some experience on how we do things ans sometime struggle at getting things done properly both from technical and organisational point of view.

We do not provide definitive knowledge but rather would like to initiate discussion on how to do and how to do better.

Thank you reading; we hope our topics will be of interest.