Remote work



With the recent crisis, remote work has become, in many case, inescapable for many businesses.

Those who have have been experimenting remote work before the crisis had an obvious competitive advantage: better equipped, ready to use tools and experience with remote work were essential.

According to Buffer state of Remote Report 2020, one of the main struggle with working remotely are collaboration and communication issues:

state of remote report 1


It is important to have tools that combine simplicity, efficiency and communication.

With Arrea Systems, we offer back-office solution that covers all angles of remote work : data sharing, data centralisation, integrated video conference, tasks management.

It covers all aspects of back-office data an tasks: sales, HR, projects, documents backup, expenses, claims, accounts to list a few. With All-in-one concept, it is very well adapted to small and medium sized organisations.

Our solution is built on an open source CMS that allows to customize and expend possibilities of back-office tools.

We offer 1 month free trial , feel free to register.



Should you have any questions you can contact us by email:
